27 June 2009


I wasn't always this way, I swear. I thought I'd amount to something after I graduated college - yeah, I graduated college - but the job market wasn't booming, writers are a dying species (not to mention the fact that I never took a class on how to write for mass media, or any journalism course) and the location I live in sucks. I had a writing job, but the demands were too hard. I wasn't a journalist - I'm an English major for goodness sake.

I started working at the baseball stadium in 2007. I would've worked in 2008, but management changed their hiring process and nobody returned. This year, they called us in. It's a new team (sort of) and new management. The rules have changed and the game has become rather dull. I'm counting the days until I lose my nerve and start chasing cars.

Truth be told - I'm not loving my job, but it's the only thing I was ever good at. Sad, isn't it?