13 July 2009

Hecklers, Dumbasses & Stupid Ideas

Apparently to Bossman, us little people are an "inconvenience" and "distraction" to the bankers so we have to bank outside, rather than going inside the room. Now when we bank, we deal with both money and tickets - either of which can blow out of our hands and get lost. Apparently, Bossman doesn't think this is possible and mankind have conquered wind to the point that we can now control it - perhaps he gets this confused because we can harvest it.

Well, if things aren't changed tomorrow, then I'm going to take my money directly to him and have him bank because I will not count that money outside that office. There's no reason to put ourselves in a position of being robbed (it's not like we're not already) or losing money.

But Bossman wasn't the only dumb ass tonight had to offer. A gang of hecklers from the other night returned, this time far drunker than they were before. Not only did they call someone from the opposing team a nigger, they also called a kid a faggot. I'm not saying that the kid didn't stir them either, because he did and they were both in the wrong, but the hecklers did start it. The family of the child should've taught him better - you know, be actual parents.

I think what's wrong with America can be summed to what is wrong with baseball. I get it - all sports have hecklings, but once it becomes racist, then a line has been crossed. The moment that it comes to profanity, throwing beer and attacking the fans of the opposing team, it is something completely different. And I wasn't upset that the kid was insulting the hecklers, I was actually hoping he'd throw better insults. However, in the long run he's still just a kid and they're a bunch of drunk men - if it got ugly, then it would get really ugly.

Super asked the other fans to calm down, while not expelling the hecklers from the game. That was bad form. These people are representing us - the team and the city - and allowing them to continue shows that we are allowing it to happen.

It was a sad day to day. A day filled with morons. And sadly I'm working for one. I've come to accept that the powers that be will always be stupid white men who cannot take care of their own money and reward those who break the rules by giving them more beer. Kudos!